About me
I am a Graduate of the NeuroHorizonsEurope Professional Training Program, and a Certified NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® Professional. I was trained by Master Teachers Sylvia Leiner Shordike and Kerstin Baldischwieler, authors of “The NeuroHorizons Primer: Empower Yourself to Empower the Child With Special Needs (2020)”. Sylvia is the founder of the NeuroHorizons® Experiential Movement® programs, is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®, and was formerly a long-time Practitioner and Trainer for Anat Baniel in California. Kerstin is a licensed Physical Therapist and is the founder of the NeuroScanBalance® Feinmotorik method and is also a graduate of the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® training programs.
I look forward to meeting you and inviting your child into the “dance” toward new developmental horizons!
~ Kerstin Walther ~

"Movement is life: without Movement life is unthinkable."
... Moshe feldenkrais ...